devemed product range


Instrumente für die nicht chirurgische Parodontalchirurgie

Periodontitis is an inflammatory change of the periodontium in which all associated diseases and symptoms weaken the immune system and especially the cellular defence.

For the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease, non-surgical periodontal therapy, such as regular and thorough cleaning of the teeth and interdental spaces, is predominantly used.

It should be noted that supragingival cleaning is not sufficient as the sole periodontal therapy. Only subgingival instrumentation (curettage) brings about a fundamental change in the microbial flora. Special attention is paid to the efficiency of plaque removal. If live bacteria remain in the niches, reinfection occurs rapidly. The aim of the non-surgical therapy is to reduce pockets (probing depths) and signs of inflammation (bleeding).

Prophylaxis, non-surgical pocket therapy and its flanking measures serve as the first steps in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.


The devemed product range of scalers and curettes is large – for example, you will find 30 different Gracey curettes in our catalog for the various areas of application in tooth cleaning. In addition, there are a variety of other curettes such as Lange or universal curettes. You will also find a large selection of dental cleaners or scalers – from Jacquette to Goldman-Fox to Crane Kaplan – to meet the various requirements.

The high-quality dental hand instruments are equipped with the devemed F-LINE SUPER LIGHT design handle. The particularly light hollow handle and ergonomic fit make it easy on the joints. The innovative handle is a relief for dentists, prophylaxis assistants or dental hygienists, especially during long-term dental cleanings. We will be happy to advise you should you have any questions or require support in your selection – contact us here.

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